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Escarpment Labs Mothership Brett Blend yeast

Escarpment Labs Mothership Brett Blend yeast


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Escarpment Laboratories Mothership Brett Blend yeast

This is a rotating blend of the Brett strains that are most compelling at any given time for Escarpment Labs. In a sense, it is an Unidentified Funky Object. MOTHERSHIP ranges from 6-10 Brett strains, and is constantly being tweaked. The character is highly dependent on fermentation conditions, but tends toward balanced, medium to high intensity Brett character.

This is an out-of-this-world blend of favourite Brett yeast strains!

An out-of-this-world blend of Escarpment Labs favourite Brett yeast strains! You can use Mothership in any sour/wild beer style to make a galaxy of funky and fruity flavours.

Flocculation: Low
Attenuation: 80% +
Temperature: 22 - 27°C
Alcohol Tolerance: High
Diastatic (STA1): No

Flavour Profile: Spectrum of brett characters

Suitable Beer Style: American Wild Ale, European Sour Ale, Lambic

Availability: Always

Possible Substitutes: None