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Lallemand LalBrew Wit yeast

Lallemand LalBrew Wit yeast



Lallemand LalBrew Wit yeast

LalBrew Wit yeast is a relatively neutral strain which can be used to produce a wide variety of wheat beer styles. Ester and phenol production is lower than traditional hefeweizen strains such as Munich Classic. LalBrew Wit provides a baseline profile of banana and spice aromas, but leaves space for the brewer to showcase other spice additions typical of Belgian style beers.

Flocculation: Low
Attenuation: 75 - 82%
Temperature: 17 - 25°C
Alcohol Tolerance: 12%
Diastatic (STA1): No

Flavour Profile: Fruity, Slight banana and Clove

Suitable Beer Styles: Belgian Witbier, American Wheat, Berliner Weiss, Gose, Hefeweizen, Dunkelweis, Weizenbock

Possible Substitutes