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Wyeast 1388 Belgian Strong Ale yeast

Wyeast 1388 Belgian Strong Ale yeast


Beer Grains will no longer be selling Wyeast due to an major price increase. See below for yeast substitutions. 


Wyeast 1388 Belgian Strong Ale yeast

The classic choice for brewing golden strong ales. This alcohol tolerant strain will produce a complex ester profile balanced nicely with subtle phenolics. Malt flavours and aromas will remain even with a well attenuated dry, tart finish. This strain is prone to stalling at approximately 1.035; racking or slight aeration will encourage it to finish fermentation.

Flocculation: Low
Attenuation: 74 - 78%
Temperature: 18 - 27°C
Alcohol Tolerance: 12%
Diastatic (STA1): No

Flavour Profile: Complex ester profile, subtle phenolics

Suitable Beer Style: Belgian IPA, Bière de garde, Belgian blond ale, Belgian golden ale, Belgian tripel

Availability: Always

Possible Substitutes