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Rusty Nail Porter Extract Kit w/ Specialty Grains

Rusty Nail Porter Extract Kit w/ Specialty Grains



Rusty Nail Porter Extract Kit w/ Specialty Grains

Rusty Nail Porter is a Robust Porter featuring a strong malty flavour and roasty aroma. It’s a substantial, malty dark ale with a complex and flavorful roasty character that is true to style. You won’t need a tetanus shot after this rusty nail but what the heck, get one anyway. You can never be too careful.

Kit Includes

  • Dry Malt Extract
  • Specialty Grains
  • Hops
  • Complete Instructions suitable for all skill levels

Your Choice of Yeast (NOT INCLUDED)


  • OG - 1.055
  • IBU - 32
  • SRM - 31
  • ABV - 5.2%
  • 5 gallon batch
