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Wyeast 4007 Malolactic Blend yeast

Wyeast 4007 Malolactic Blend yeast


Beer Grains will no longer be selling Wyeast due to an major price increase. See below for yeast substitutions. 


Wyeast 4007 Malolactic Blend yeast

This blend is recommended for any wine requiring malic acid reduction. It will cover a broad range of temperature and pH conditions.

Flocculation: Low - high
Temperature: 13 - 35°C
Alcohol Tolerance: 12 - 18%
Residual Sugars: 0 - 1%
Rate of fermentation: Slow - very fast
Foam Production: Very low - high
Volatile Acid Production: Low - hign
SO2 Production: Very low - high
H2S Production: Very low - high

Availability: Always

Possible Substitutes: None