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Escarpment Labs House Ale EL-01 dry yeast

Escarpment Labs House Ale EL-01 dry yeast



Escarpment Labs House Ale EL-01 dry yeast

House Ale is a versatile strain that can be used to reliably ferment IPAs, Blond Ales, Stouts, and more. It offers the same reliable fermentation you can expect from Escarpment Labs, but in a dry, easy-to-pitch format.

Each 11g packet can be pitched in up to 20L (5 gallons) of 1.065 O.G. wort.

Flocculation: Medium
Attenuation: 75 - 85%
Temperature: 16 - 22°C
Alcohol Tolerance: High (12 14%)
Diastatic (STA1): No

Flavour Profile: Neutral, clean, balanced

Suitable Beer Style: American IPA, Blond ale, Stout, Pale ale, Cider

Availability: Always

Possible Substitutes